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OMEKA Part 9: Bibliography

Primary Sources:

Briesen, Martha von. Letters of Elijah Fletcher. University of Virginia, 1965.

Mason, George.  “A Bill to Regulate Smallpox Inoculations,” January 12, 1778.

Mason, George. “10 Pounds Reward.” The Maryland Journal and Baltimore Advertiser, September 30, 1786.

Mason, George. “Gunston for Sale.” Alexandria Gazette, September 4, 1818.

Mason, George. “Letter from George Mason IV to John Mason, 1792,” 1792. Gunston Hall Library and Archives.

Mason, Kate Rowland. The Life of George Mason: 1725-1792. G.P. Putmam’s Sons, 1892.

Posey, John. “Virginia Gazette: Rind, Oct. 19, 1769, Pg. 4 | The Colonial Williamsburg Official History & Citizenship Site.” Virginia Gazette, October 19, 1769.

Washington, George. “A Map of General Washington’s Farm of Mount Vernon.” George Washington Bicentennial Commission, 1793.

Washington, George. “Diary Entry: February 3, 1770” The Papers of George Washington Digital Edition

Washington, George. “To Arthur Young, 12 December 1793.” The Papers of George Washington Digital Edition

Secondary Sources:

Broadwater, Jeff. George Mason, Forgotten Founder. The University of North Carolina Press, 2006.

Copeland, Pamela, and Richard K. MacMaster. “Colonel George Mason III” in The Five George Masons. University of Virginia Press, 2016.

Dalzell, Robert F., and Lee Baldwin Dalzell. George Washington’s Mount Vernon: At Home in Revolutionary America. Oxford University Press USA – OSO, 2000.

Ellis, Joseph J. His Excellency: George Washington. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2004.

Schoelwer, Susan P. “Enslaved People of Mount Vernon: Biographies.” In Lives Bound Together: Slavery at George Washington’s Mount Vernon. Nimick Forbesway Foundation, 2016.

Main, Jackson T. “The One Hundred.” The William and Mary Quarterly 11, no. 3 (1954): 354–84.

Mitchell, Beth. “Map of Fairfax County in 1760.” Office of Comprehensive Planning, County of Fairfax, 1987.

Pogue, Dennis J. “Interpreting the Dimensions of Daily Life for the Slaves Living at the President’s House and at Mount Vernon.” The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 129, no. 4 (2005): 433–43.

Pogue, Dennis J. “Slave Lifeways at Mount Vernon: An Archeological Perspective.” Mount Venon Ladies Association, 1995.

Pogue, Dennis J. “The Domestic Architecture of Slavery at George Washington’s Mount Vernon.” Winterthur Portfolio 37, no. 1 (Spring 2002): 3–22.

Shonyo, David. “Archaeological Investigations at Gunston Hall Plantation: Report on 2013 Activities,” 2014.

Thompson, Mary V. The Only Unavoidable Subject of Regret. University of Virginia Press, 2019.

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